荃灣運動訓練場地(地鐵站5分鐘到),歡迎租用作私訓,教班,運動講座(合空中瑜珈,泰拳,CROSS TRAINING,武術訓練),適合20人以內,另設空中瑜珈,TRX,M.F.T.及其他瘦身課程歡迎wts:91306847 查詢

報税核數 Taxation - 香港會計師 (Certified Public Accountant) 多年經驗公司報稅 、無限公司報税,可靠穩妥 Accounting - 年結全盤理帳,整理單據理帳,按月理帳,理帳報稅,價錢合理 HK Company Audit - 香港有限公司法定核數,外判內部核數,移民核數,快速處理 公司成立,周年年報,秘書服務,會議記錄,依法處理,嚴防重罰 銀行開戶,銀行

1對1健身訓練,Turn Fat To Fit! 踏出第一步,計劃健康人生。私人健身教練 - Yu man曾參加健美比賽。當中亦學到不同健身方法。幫到自己亦幫到學生進步。本人20歲接觸健身。亦讀相關健身課程畢業。本人主要提供1對1訓練。為不同客戶訂造訓練計劃 1.增肌:主要為重訓,肌肉協調及感應,飲食指導 2.減脂:主要為飲食指導,funcational training , 帶氧

Counseling and psychotherapy and training -via cure of music,game,chat 企業社工 服務以音符,遊戲,傾談形式
H攝影及影音 / 節目及活動HK Venue53821618

Certified Personal Trainer - NSCA(美國國家體能協會) Resistance training instructor- HKPFA(中國香港體適能總會) Fitball & elastic band Trainer - HKPFA(中國香港體適能總會) Adult CPR -Red Cross AED - Red Cross

Asia Golf Academy / Golf Coaching / Golf Training / Golf Swing Training Course 高爾夫揮桿訓練班 / 免費試堂30分鐘

We aim at bringing quality Family Medicine and Network Medical Services, providing greater value in healthcare and health protection services to meet the demand of the general public in Hong Kong.
長者 / 健康檢查明康醫療香港有限公司

Join Certified 200- hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in the capital of Yoga Rishikesh in India. Chandra Yoga International is the best Yoga School in Rishikesh, India.
c運動及健身 / 瑜伽chandrayoga

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b商業 / 市場策劃bettyboopbii

Specialized in French examinations' preparation : iGCSE, SAT, A/AS-Level, IB, DELF, etc

Hello everyone ! I am a native Japanese speaker. I was born in Niigata(Japan). I came to HongKong when I was 5 years old, so I can also speak Cantonese. I ve been teaching Japanese in France and Mor
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